Become a Joyful Doctor today!
Protect your own wellbeing, look out for your colleagues, and help save lives in one joyful step!
Join us now - Half Price - £10 per month (including VAT)
We are facing a tough reality...
"Doctors are fighting to live and work in a way that doesn't break them"
Dr Kaman Hansford
NHS Junior Doctor, Pre-Pandemic
1 doctor dies by suicide every 3 weeks in the UK
Dame Clare Gerada
BMJ 2019; 366: 15231
At The Joyful Doctor we believe
to have support for their emotional wellbeing
and do a job they love
If you believe the same -
please join us today!
Joyful Doctor Community
is committed to
1. Protecting the wellbeing of doctors (starting with our own!) and
2. Building a more compassionate culture across healthcare settings
Join our community today!
for just
£10 a month!
(FIRST 500 Founder Members HALF-PRICE, usual Price £20/mth, all prices incl VAT)
and get exclusive access to...
4 Joyful Benefits!
10 Expert-led webinars a year
Relevant and interesting doctors' wellbeing related topics
Different days and times throughout the year to suit different shift patterns
Recordings sent straight to your inbox if you can't make them live
Accompanying Joyful Doctor CPD Worksheets to make claiming your CPD easy
Up to 20hrs CPD per year for your PDP/ appraisal!
Joyful Doctor Community
Supportive and private community Facebook Group
Peer support and encouragement from other like-minded Joyful Doctors
Regular Expert Q+A sessions on Doctors' Wellbeing topics
The Joyful Doctor Christmas Party!
A joyful virtual celebration of the year just passed, and the year to come
(This year's date - 17th Dec 24 - 8.15-9pm!)
Help save lives - 1 doctor at a time!
Your membership fee will help us to keep
supporting thousands of doctors with their wellbeing every year!
(We are a limited company that functions like a not-for-profit, channeling our profits into supporting doctors wellbeing through coaching, training and anti-stigma campaigning. We are trying to build our regular income streams to make our work more sustainable for the long-term so we really appreciate every penny!)
"Every doctor deserves to be a Joyful Doctor!"
Dr Caroline Walker
Founder of The Joyful Doctor
A few words from our Founder Caroline...
Doctors are facing extraordinary challenges right now, and we need all the help we can get to look after ourselves and each other.
Please join me in making Doctors' Wellbeing a priority - starting with your own!
Together we can change the culture of medicine - so that no doctor ever has to feel alone, ashamed or hopeless again...
Frequently Asked Questions
Question #1 When will the Doctors' Wellbeing Matters webinars take place?
The webinars will be scheduled for different days and times throughout the year to accommodate the full range of doctors' shift patterns. The dates and times will be emailed to you in advance and reminders will be sent ahead of each live webinar. There will be approx 1 webinar per month with a break in August and December.
Question #2 What if I can't attend a live webinar?
Don't worry! Each webinar will be recorded and sent to your inbox, and stored on our membership site - ready for you to watch back at any time!
Question #3 What if I'm not a Doctor?
The Joyful Doctor Community is just for doctors... but if you would like to find out how we can support the wellbeing of other caring professionals please drop us an email at anytime!
Question #4 How do I earn CPD points?
You can self-certify for up to 2 hours of CPD for each webinar you attend/ watch - including 1 hour for the webinar itself and an additional 1 hour for any reflections and further reading/ action you take. Each webinar will have a CPD reflection sheet attached to it for your convenience.
Question #5 What if I want to leave?
You can simply cancel your membership at any time by emailing us at There is no minimum time commitment and you will simply forfeit the fee for the remainder of the month in which you cancel.
Question #6 Can I gift a membership to a friend?
We love this idea, but we would prefer each doctor join us of their own volition - so that we know every member of the community is fully committed to improving the wellbeing of doctors - starting with their own! Please just share this page with them!