Meet your Joyful Coach...

Maddy Picture




Dr Madeleine du Mont



 Life isn’t simple.  Achieving balance between our work-life, home-life and interests can be complicated.  We all have competing roles that bring value and meaning to our lives and navigating these roles without getting distracted by negative thoughts and external pressures can sometimes feel impossible!

As a psychology graduate, GP, Trainer, Appraiser and Coach, I love to support people through change and challenging circumstances, bringing different interests together and highlighting what really matters to you. You have it within you to create a life and work structure that enables you to thrive - you just need to give yourself permission to discover what that looks like for you.

I live in South Oxfordshire with my young family and I love to make the most of the beautiful countryside.  I write about it, run through it, and sing about it in a local folk/ gypsy band.  I get enormous joy from the surprises it shows me through the constantly changing seasons.  Movement and fresh air can be amazingly releasing so I offer 'walking coaching' sessions, as well as online and telephone sessions if you prefer.

I look forward to helping you find the future you deserve.







Location: Oxfordshire, UK

Background:  Psychology graduate, GP, Out of Hours GP trainer, GP appraiser and Coach

Specialist areas:  Supporting patients and doctors through challenging circumstances, bringing different interests together and highlighting what really matters.



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